The Grounds Guys of Southbury Care About the Community

We are proud to be members of our community and proud to support local charities and causes that serve our area. We believe that the best businesses are businesses that truly care for those in their own backyard.

The Giving Garden

The Grounds Guys of Southbury are proud to support this great local cause! Since 2010 the Giving Garden has grown a veggie garden on town-owned land, giving the bounty to those less fortunate in our community. To lend a hand and show your support, visit the Giving Garden Facebook page.

Handy Dandy Handyman

Handy Dandy HandyMan (HDHM) is a wonderful local charity that is committed to providing assistance and service to those in need in our own backyard. We are proud to lend our support to this cause! Visit the HDHM website to see how you can pitch in!

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Contact us to learn more about our Landscaping and Lawn Care services.